Inside Wiki

While falling through the floors of the facility as the Huddle, a window labelled with a "7" can be seen.

The Facility is a massive research center. It is not known how many sectors there are in the Facility, as only four of them are seen in-game, but there are at least seven. It is run by scientists conducting experiments on various creatures. The central core of the research is the Huddle, a powerful amalgamation of albinos that has the ability to control others, or perhaps even the protagonist himself.

In the game, the protagonist first enters the facility after leaving the farm where he witnesses several albinos being led into it. Later he encounters several hazards placed to obstruct the access to the Huddle. One belief for this is that the whole round was designed as an experiment to test the intelligence of the Huddle by selecting the best albinos to merge with it.


The facility is divided into several sectors focused on different technologies and experiments:

  • Sector 1: Unseen. It most likely encompasses the space between the city and the derelict underground where the dogs chase the protagonist, as a cart with a "1" can be seen near this area.
  • Sector 2: Mostly submerged by water, this sector contains the artificial forest, the mines, and the shockwave atrium.
  • Sector 3: In this sunken area, there are several flooded observation chambers, turbine funnels, and corpses.
  • Sector 4: The inverted water experiments, observation chambers, and the Huddle Tank are located here.
  • Sectors 5+: Unknown as they are not seen in game. Only Sector 7 is seen briefly as the Huddle falls through the different floors of Sector 4. Sector 7 may just be office spaces or a communications center.


  • Many of the structures and layouts of Sector 2, though flooded and abandoned, can be seen again in Sector 4. For example, the office rooms, testing chambers, and Huddle tank from Sector 2 can be seen again in almost the exact same configuration in Sector 4. This may indicate that Sector 4 is a rebuilt version of Sector 2 after some experiment or accident rendered it unusable.
  • There is a glass window found in sector 3 of the facility that shows a long-haired creature floating in some water behind it. There is text on the lower-left of the glass that reads "Rorschach Desgn Noah x200564."
    • "Rorschach" is the name of an ink-blot test used by psychologists, and "Noah" is a common male name. It is unclear what "Desgn" or the numbers mean.